Your Net Worth

If you have a source of income count your blessings. On average a full time, minimum wage worker makes about $15,000+ a year in America. The cost of living in America however is higher than that amount. Does that make any sense? To the world these people are just another number; another worker to run the machine. Easily replaceable, unimportant. Even those that make 6 figure salaries still barely hold any influence. They may be treated better, but they aren’t anymore noticed than the people making minimum wage. Our world emphasizes on making it big, any other accomplishment is but a tin-foil trophy in its eyes. In a world without God we measure our happiness by our success and we chase after paper. Paper. Wanting more of something so readily available just because it has some numeric value printed on it. You’re nothing – to this world that is. To God? You’re everything. God doesn’t care if you’re rich; doesn’t care if you’re poor. He loves you and values you just the same. What does God see as accomplishments? Your prayers, your laughter, your heart, your love. There is nothing you can do to devalue your soul in God’s eyes. 1Peter 1:7 says our faith is worth its weight in gold. Our monetary system values our dollar at how much gold is stored up in the US treasury. In God’s kingdom you’ve got more gold stored up in your heart than any treasury. Be rich in love. Enjoy the wealth God has given you by grace, no matter your financial situation. God is our provider. We just need to remember that our spiritual needs are more important than our physical needs. So the gold you may lack in the physical – is overflowing in the spiritual.

(1Peter 1:7, Psalm 145:8)