The 9 Square Puzzle

This week we spent a full day rearranging our band’s music room (my living room). I had thrown the room together in an afternoon awhile back, but the way instruments and amps were placed didn’t make the room ideal for practicing. I’d been sitting on fixing it for awhile so this week I took a crack at it. I probably tried at least 3 different room arrangements – spanning the course of a few hours – and still wasn’t too fond of either the look, or the sound. So, I consulted with a close friend; telling them that “setting up this room was as difficult as one of those nine square slider puzzles we solved, growing up.” Going off of the same analogy, my friend shared with me a simple word if insight: “Ya know, those 9 square puzzles can only be solved because a piece is removed.”


So I moved one of the couches from the room, over to another and lo and behold – the puzzle was solved.

The acoustics are great. The room has a nice aesthetic feel. And it’s just plain cozy.

I know there’s a life application for someone in there somewhere, but I’ll let you figure this one out on your own 🙂 Take a look at your own personal 9 Square puzzles, if they seem insolvable – just find out which piece you need to take away that’s preventing you from moving forward.

(I wish I was good at taking panoramas)
